Pangong Eco Resort - Hotel details

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Leh Ladakh, India
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Overflowing with nature's magnificence and tastefulness, away from the hustle clamor of the city, in the lap of nature, Pangong Tso Eco Resort, is an unblemished land bundle at a lucky area town Merak. The town is arranged on the banks of Pangong Tso, at level of around 14,270 and around five hours drive away from Leh. This superb property orders all encompassing perspective on grand scenes and water body. The most staggering structure of this hotel falls in having components of restrictiveness, which gives a phenomenal and unparallel get-away experience.This notable location is a fantastic vacationer location, for it is one of the last town where Indian or unfamiliar traveler can visit. It is here, in the event that one is fortunate locating of PLA(Chinese) warriors might happen in view of its vicinity to LAC(Line of Genuine Control).

Hotel Information

Hotel Start Category:- 3 Star
Hotel Location:- Merak Pangong Lake, Leh Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir India (Pin-Code:194101)
Hotel Reviews:- Excellent

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